JAMES WOODSIDE Paintings and Drawings
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Buildings, Interiors and Objects (paintings)
(8 Images)
Nature, Water and Weather (paintings)
(14 Images)
Simple Sea/Sky Horizons (paintings)
(11 Images)
(3 Images)
Antarctica Works
(12 Images)

Antarctica Works

These paintings and drawings were all done on the Antarctic Penninsula during January and February of 2003.

Through the auspices of a grant from the National Science Foundation's, Artists & Writers Program, I was able to travel to Antarctica for the purpose of doing landscape paintings and drawings from direct observation.

Scott Tent Anvers Island     Tent at Old Palmer (from shore) Pinnacle Icebergs
Scott Tent Anvers Island Tent at Old Palmer (from shore) Pinnacle Icebergs
Crevasse Litchfield Island, 2003 Antarctica Summer, 2003 Glacier at Arthur Harbor, 2003
Crevasse Litchfield Island, 2003 Antarctica Summer, 2003 Glacier at Arthur Harbor, 2003
Antarctica, 2003 Antarctic Mountains Drake Passage, 2003 Glacier at Hero Inlet, 2003
Antarctica, 2003 Antarctic Mountains Drake Passage, 2003 Glacier at Hero Inlet, 2003

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